Kalmar Empty Handlers
MasonLift - Elevating everything!

Kalmar Empty Handlers

Kalmar Empty Handler

Every function in the current G series Kamlar empty handler was designed to maxamize productivity and reliability. From the increased lifting speed and driveline torque to a new system for leveling, efficiency describes the G series empty handler. You also have the ability to lift two containers at once for increased efficiency.

DCG80-45 DCG90-45 DCG100-45
Lift Capacity (lbs): 17,600 19,800 22,000
Stacking Height (Containers): 5 - 8 5 - 8 5+1 - 8+1
Wheelbase (in): 179 179 179
Overall Length (in): 272 272 272
Tires (in) 12.00 x 24 14.00 x 24 14.00 x 24